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拼音是 lan 的汉字

Englishdestroyed or ruined; to rot or decay; to disintegrate or decompose康熙字典【辰集下】【歹字部】㱫 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:9 《玉篇》力翰切《集韻》郞旰切,𠀤音爛。《博雅》敗也。或作𣩼。
English(simplified form of 灡) water in which rice has been washed, (interchangeable 瀾) a great wave; a huge billow
Englishjade and stone, fine jade康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】䃹 ·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:17 《五音集韻》郞旰切,音爛。䃹䃹,玉石貌。 《集韻》作𥗺。
Englishbig; large; thin; light, rugged; uneven, a deep cave康熙字典【午集下】【穴字部】䆾 ·康熙筆画:19 ·部外筆画:14 《廣韻》魯甘切《集韻》盧甘切,𠀤音藍。䆾䆱,薄而大也。又《廣韻》《集韻》𠀤盧瞰切,音濫。䆾䆱,不平深穴也。
Englishto eat rice-gruel mixed with meat康熙字典【未集上】【米字部】䊖 ·康熙筆画:15 ·部外筆画:9 《集韻》乃感切,音腩。糝茹也。
English(non-classical form of U+7E9C 纜) a hawser, a cable, a rope康熙字典【未集中】【糸字部】䌫 ·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:16 同纜。
English(same as U+8964 襤) clothes without hem; ragged garments; sloppily dressed
Englishlwhat is left over of the food ( of birds and animals) (same as 爛) overripe; rotten, cooked soft; well cooked康熙字典【未集下】【肉字部】䑌 ·康熙筆画:23 ·部外筆画:17 《集韻》郞干切,音闌。熟也。 又《字彙》郞患切,音爛。義同。
English(corrupted form of 闌) a door curtain or screen, a fence, to separate; to block up, the end of; late
Englisha container for bows and arrows康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】䪍 ·康熙筆画:26 ·部外筆画:17 《廣韻》落干切《集韻》郞干切,𠀤音闌。《說文》所以盛弩矢,人所負也。本作籣。詳竹部籣字註。《玉篇》書作韊。