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Englishto mix; to blend, to display in neat rows; to place in order康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㧳 ·康熙筆画:11 ·部外筆画:7 《集韻》柱買切,讀與箉近。《聲譜》攙物也。
Englishto strike; to beat; to knock; to stone (to throw stone and hit someone); sound of hitting something康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㩧 ·康熙筆画:19 ·部外筆画:15 《唐韻》蒲角切《集韻》《韻會》弼角切,𠀤音雹。擊也。又擊聲。 又《唐韻》《集韻》𠀤匹角切,音璞。亦擊也。或作撲扑。又作𢪊攴。 又《集韻》北角切,音剝。與𣀛同。 又普講切。義同。 又博陌切,音百。亦擊聲。本作𢹯。
English(non-classical form of 攪) to disturb or to agitate; to bother; to trouble, to stir; to churn; to mix evenly by stirring康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㩭 ·康熙筆画:20 ·部外筆画:16 《玉篇》《集韻》𠀤下巧切,音澩。讀若效上聲。擾也,亂也。《王褒·洞簫賦》攪搜㩭捎。或作攪。
康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㨐 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:9 《唐韻》方苟切,卜上聲。《說文》衣上擊也。 又《集韻》彼口切。義同。或作拊。〇按海篇直音音保,與上切韻未合。
Englishto cut; to kill; to behead, gradually; little by little; by degrees, to lift; to raise, to strike; to beat, to throw; to pitch; to deliver康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㨻 ·康熙筆画:15 ·部外筆画:11 《唐韻》昨甘切《集韻》財甘切,𠀤音慙。《說文》暫也。 又《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤所斬切,毿上聲。《博雅》次也。一曰截取也。 又《集韻》在敢切,音槧。擊也。 又俎紺切。舉也。 又《唐韻》《集韻》𠀤山檻切。亦取也。 又《集韻》疾染切,音漸。又士減切,讒上聲。義𠀤同。 一說摲字變體。
Englishto back up; to support, to take; to receive; to obtain, to select; to choose康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㨲 ·康熙筆画:15 ·部外筆画:11 同㩍。測革切。《班固·北征頌》握輔㨲。《註》言國之所倚,如扶㨲之有依。
Englishto back up; to support, to take; to receive; to fetch; to obtain; to take hold of康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㩍 ·康熙筆画:16 ·部外筆画:12 《集韻》測革切,音策。扶也。或省作拺。
● 掣 chè   ㄔㄜˋ ◎ 拉,拽:掣肘。掣后腿。风驰电掣。 ◎ 抽:掣签。
Englishto beat; to strike; to attach康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㨋 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:9 《唐韻》昌者切《集韻》齒者切,𠀤車上聲。擊也。 又《集韻》止野切,音者。義同。
English(same as U+62FF 拿) to bring, to take, to apprehend, to grasp