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康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䤡 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:5 《集韻》而琰切,音冉。鐵也。
Englishchemical element; Sarmarium (Sm); old translation of ( 鋱) Tb, (same as 釤) a sickle with a long handle, to swing a sickle to cut (grass or wheat)
English(simplified form of U+4947 䥇) sarmarium (Sm); old ideograph for U+92F1 鋱, terbium (Tb); (same as U+91E4 釤) a sickle with a long handle, to swing a sickle to cut (grass or wheat)
English(simplified form of U+9425) a kind of weapon used in ancient times, (same as 釤) a sickle with a long handle, to swing a sickle to cut (grass or wheat)
Englishiron, golden ornaments康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䤮 ·康熙筆画:15 ·部外筆画:7 《廣韻》時攝切《集韻》實攝切,𠀤音涉。《玉篇》鐵䤮也。
● 銴 shì   ㄕˋ ◎ 车樘结。 ◎ 铜锈。
English(ancient form of 誓) a solemn pledge; a vow; an oath康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䤱 ·康熙筆画:15 ·部外筆画:7 《六書統》古文誓字。○按古文無䤱字,六書統誤。
康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䥔 ·康熙筆画:20 ·部外筆画:12 《集韻》須玉切,音粟。金也。
● 鐆 suì   ㄙㄨㄟˋ ◎ 古同“燧”,古代聚集阳光取火的器具。
康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】䥙 ·康熙筆画:20 ·部外筆画:12 《說文》鐆本字。