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拼音是 ju 的汉字

English(an ancient form of U+5C45 居), to dewell; to remain, to be in--of various states and conditions, to occupy, the course of one's life康熙字典【寅集上】【尸字部】㞐 ·康熙筆画:8 ·部外筆画:5 《玉篇》古文居字。註見上。
English(non-classcial form of 走) to walk, to run, to leave康熙字典【寅集中】【山字部】㞫 ·康熙筆画:6 ·部外筆画:3 《字彙補》古文走字。註詳部首。
Englishancient form of 五 'five'康熙字典【寅集中】【工字部】㠪 ·康熙筆画:4 ·部外筆画:1 《篇海》同𢀑。
English(non-classical form of 噱) to laugh without stopping, loud laughter康熙字典【丑集上】【口字部】㘌 ·康熙筆画:18 ·部外筆画:15 《廣韻》奇逆切《集韻》竭戟切,𠀤音劇。《廣韻》戲㘌。 又《集韻》嗢㘌,笑不止。
Englisha cove; a bay, a bend or nook in the hills, the outside part of a curved bank; the curve of a bow康熙字典【丑集中】【土字部】㘲 ·康熙筆画:8 ·部外筆画:5 《廣韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤居六切。同𨸰。曲岸水外。 又與鞫通。詳鞫字註。
Englishprudent; cautious康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】㥌 ·康熙筆画:12 ·部外筆画:8 《廣韻》《集韻》《類篇》𠀤居六切,音匊。《玉篇》謹愼也。
English(a variant of 據) to receive, as communications from a subordinate, to rely on, to lean on, evidence; proof, according to; whereas
English(a variant of 據) to receive, as communications from a subordinate, to rely on, to lean on, evidence; proof, according to; whereas
康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】㩴 ·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:18 《唐韻》居玉切《集韻》拘玉切,𠀤音鋦。《說文》爪持也。《徐鉉曰》今俗別作掬,非。《集韻》或作攫。 又《集韻》權俱切,音劬。㩴疎,枝葉敷布貌。○按《太𤣥經》从木作欋。《正字通》从瞿,非匊音。爪持卽攫義,當是攫字譌省。
康熙字典【卯集下】【斗字部】㪺 ·康熙筆画:17 ·部外筆画:13 《廣韻》舉朱切《集韻》《韻會》恭于切,𠀤音拘。《說文》挹也。《博雅》抒也。《玉篇》酌也。《詩·小雅》不可以挹酒漿。《傳》挹,㪺也。《儀禮·士冠禮註》勺尊升所以㪺酒也。 又與仇同。《詩·小雅》賔載手仇。《註》仇讀曰㪺。